Swarth Fell - Lake District Walk

Monday 20th October 2008

A short walk into Keswick after breakfast to check the weather forecast out revealed that winds on the high fells were expected to gust up to 90 miles an hour so a low level walk was definitely called for. After much debate we opted for a drive round to the Coldfell Road to do two low and flat Birkett fells we had missed out on a previous walk, along with the appropriately named Flat Fell.

Start: Coldfell Road (NY 0664 1303)

Route: Coldfell Road - Burn Edge (278) - Swarth Fell (Kinniside) (279) - Nannycatch Gate - Flat Fell (OF) - Coldfell Road

Distance: 4.75 miles     Ascent: 368 metres      Time Taken: 4 hours

Terrain: Easy going.

Weather: Strong winds.

Pub Visited: Bank Tavern, Keswick    Ale Drunk: Jennings Cumberland

Route Map >>


Swarth Fell

Looking towards Swarth Fell from Burn Edge.

Burn Edge's summit

Grike and Whoap from Burn Edge's summit.



Whoap & Lank Rigg

Lank Rigg.

River Calder

Looking down Calder Valley.

Burn Edge

Blakeley Raise and Grike from the slopes of Swarth Fell.

Swarth Fell's summit

Swarth Fell's summit cairn. The wind was so strong, even at this relatively low level, that I had to kneel to get this picture.

Flat Fell

Flat Fell from Swarth Fell.


Dent from the 'diversion' we took in Lowther Park.

Swarth Fell

Looking back to Swarth Fell from the same place.

Lowther Park

Following the correct but much muddier and narrower track through Lowther Park.

Nannycatch Beck

Looking along the valley with Nannycatch Beck running through it, which gave us a wonderfully sheltered location for our lunch.

Nannycatch Gate

Looking back down on the flooded Nannycatch Gate and Raven Crag from the steep start to the climb onto Flat Fell.

Flat Fell's summit

Blakeley Raise from Flat Fell's summit.

Loweswater Fells

Looking to the Loweswater fells from Flat Fell's summit.

Knock Murton

Knock Murton.

Dent & Flat Fell

Looking back to Dent and Flat Fell from the Coldfell Road.


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